Missions Trips

The first mission trip I took in 2007 opened my eyes. I remember seeing and hearing God in ways I never knew were available. Often, we do not realize that our culture and world-view have such a great influence in shaping our paradigm on how we live out the gospel. Since then, it has been an honor to host and lead churches and teams of all creed and faith-tradition into the great void of human need. When presented with such hunger, such need, I always smile inside watching the lives of those who said ‘yes’ and came; because they are no longer a mere sect of Christianity but have become the visible image of Christ’s body. They are love revealed.

-Paul Wilson

Become a Prayer Partner

James 5:16 …”the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
We need your prayers and if you can’t Go but you still want to be a warrior for the kingdom throughout the nations,
The victory spoil is shared with all who stand for the kingdom!
(1 Sam 30:23-25)

Support Financially

We have various projects and needs throughout the world that we get to partner with. If you would like to give to/for something specific please specify. You may also sponsor a missionary for an upcoming trip. Thank you for your support!

2 Corinthians 9:7 “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

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