Why Lilac?

Throughout history, lilacs have been known for their sweet fragrance, like incense unto the Lord, and are associated with intimacy and romance. Because lilacs have one of the earliest bloom times, they symbolize first love and new hope. As a mission-minded ministry, L. I. L. A. C. stands for:

Leading Internationally, Loving as Christ

Our Philosophy

Paul and Kateryna Wilson are the founders of Lilac Missions. Paul was not raised in church, so when he received Christ, he assumed all churches were united at the cross. Unfortunately, it was soon realized that the enemy’s goal was to divide us. This compelled them to launch Lilac Missions, where their passion is to unite the body of Christ by loving the nations, realizing we have more in common at the cross than we have in differences. This is accomplished by . . .

    • Training and deploying mission teams comprised of multi-denominational believers.
      (Matt 18:19-20)
    • Operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit through signs, healing, deliverance, and practical ministry.
      (Matt 10:7-8)
    • Partnering with the prayer of Jesus to see His church become one with Him and each other.
      (John 17:20-24)

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